
Neurological rehabilitation
A medically supervised programme called neurological rehabilitation (rehab) is created for persons with diseases, injuries, or problems with the nervous system. Neurological rehabilitation frequently helps patients work better, experience fewer symptoms, and feel better overall.
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Orthopaedic rehabilitation is a therapeutic method of healing used to address musculoskeletal issues and treat pain brought on by injury, ailment, or surgery. The process of orthopaedic rehabilitation also includes counselling, environmental adjustments, training programmes, and exercise regimens.
Gynaecology Rehabilitation
After complicated gynaecological operations, patients often endure impaired functions, chronic discomfort, or depressive reactions to organ loss, restricting their quality of life and capacities. Gynaecological rehabilitation aims to treat surgical complications as early, thoroughly, and effectively as possible to prevent chronic pathogenesis.
Pediatric rehabilitation
Children and adolescents with acquired or congenital physical disabilities are cared for through pediatric rehabilitation, which employs specialised training and interdisciplinary collaboration. It is a method that considers the actual impairments and how they affect the person's functioning.
Kinesio Taping
The Kinesio Taping Method is a therapeutic way to use tape that lifts the skin very slightly to relieve pain and help the lymphatic system drain. This lifting effect makes wrinkles in the skin, which makes the space between the cells bigger and reduces inflammation in the affected areas.
Aerobic exercise is a type of structured, repeated physical activity that requires the body's metabolic system to use oxygen to make energy. These effects help the body in multiple ways like an increase in blood volume, an increase in the strength of the heart muscles, Better mental and emotional health and many more.
People do yoga to stay healthy and calm down. Yoga has its own sets of benefits like muscular strength, flexibility, and balance, Better breathing control (pranayama), enhanced mental and physical relaxation and many more.